Coventry Homeowners Association


Coventry Homeowners Association

Alert:  The contact form is not working.  For any contact use the webmaster link or the contact the board link below.


It's been great fun all these years but your friendly local neighborhood webmaster is no longer local.  It is with great joy that I turn over the website to your real neighbor Kathryn Garrow who will be keeping you up to date for world events and local catastophes in the future.

All hurricane thoughts are the personal opinion of the webmaster, your mileage may vary.



Please remember your watering days; Sunday if you have an even numbered address, and Saturday if your number is odd.  Watering should be done before 10AM or after 4PM.  Exceptions apply in cases such as new plantings and hand held watering.  From the City of Jacksonville website: 

"Violators of the irrigation schedule and fertilizer ordinance requirements will be issued a warning ticket for the first observed offense and tickets for $50 and $250 for the second and third violations, respectively.  Violators may also be subject to other enforcement"

Any business or comments that you would like to bring to the board's attention, please use the "contact" link on the left. 

You may also Contact the Board by clicking on this link.



Coventry is a deed restricted community.  If you have any doubts as to what the restrictions are, the legal version is available on line by the link to the left.  It is probably simpler to email the board and mention what you would like to do.  The purpose of the board is to administer and interpret the rules to everyone's benefit. 

Written communications to the board and dues payments can be mailed to :  1700 Bolton Abbey Drive, Jacksonville, Fl 32223

For quicker response contact the webmaster